Naval Ravikant's tweets are epic.
I can hear him talk for hours together.
And When I do, I reach a new level of consciousness.
He’s this Silicon Valley dude who talks about wealth, happiness, and philosophy.
A journalist compiled his talks and tweets in the book ‘Almanack of Naval Ravikant’ and it became a #1 Amazon best-seller.
Here are twenty Lessons from Naval Ravikant:
Wealth is having assets that get you money while you sleep. Wealth is freedom.
Being rich and anonymous > Being rich and famous.
We’re living in a world of leverage, learn to use it.
“give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I’ll move the world” — Archimedes
Status is where you stand in the social hierarchy. Don’t seek status, seek wealth. Status is a zero-sum game. It’s a necessary evil.
Learn to sell, Learn to build and you will be unstoppable.
Money is rewarded to people who give society what they want but don’t know how to get.
Retirement is not getting paychecks after you stop working at 60.
It's living without sacrificing today for an imaginary tomorrow. Three ways to do it-
1. have more passive income than the amount of money you spend.
2. become a monk and have practically no spending.
3. do something you love so much it is fun, you're not doing it for money.
Be paid for your judgment rather than your time. Judgment is built through specialized knowledge and mental models. To get better mental models read.
(Some of the best bloggers like Nicolas Cole have acquired so much knowledge through the years that they are just paid for their guidance, decisions, and results they bring.)
Getting Good
You would rather be called a clear thinker than be called smart.
You want to develop specialized knowledge. Specialized knowledge comes from following your interests, talents, and passion. It can’t be trained. If taught it's through apprenticeships. Ex- Being a top YouTuber isn’t something that is trained.
Envy is the enemy of happiness. Don’t envy someone if you are not ready to have all the aspects and experiences of that person.
Play the long-term game with long-term people. The best things come from compound interest.
Find something that is play for you and work for others
How to build habits
- Pick one thing visualize it and build desire.
- Plan a sustainable path.
- Identify triggers
-Tell friends
-Track meticulouslyTypes of ways you get lucky-
Blind random luck
Luck through hustle and hard work.
You get good at spotting luck opportunities
You become so unique that luck finds you.
It doesn’t matter what workout your following, as long as you are getting a little exercise in everyday.
Decision Making
In a world of leverage, the right decisions are everything.
The best decision-making heuristic is to optimize for the long run.
If you can’t decide between two options, take the one which is harder in the short-term
Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.
3 big decisions:
Who you’re with
Where you live
What you do
I hope you got some value from this article. See you in the next one.
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